Thursday, January 12, 2006

Go to my actual website

Please go to my real blog "A Faint Odour of Insight" at

It's filled with wonderful adventures and insights.

Acutally, you know what? Stay's probably not for you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A post to test things out

It's interesting that this allows me to have a pborder asdaf sadkfj asfasdfjas dflkasdghasoienf dkfja sdlkjf alsdkhgialsivnasdlfkjasdigsdadofjs doifjdod fod ofdjsojsfo sdksd od sdo fosf osdfodsogasdgjo o idsfoa sdfo dkf odk dodjf sodjfosjd fodjfodjf wonvispdkfnwodnfls aofjdosf aokdf oadifasnfaok osd faoudnoasjdfoi ckjsadofisdof jasoisdfksdfoisd